miércoles, 4 de enero de 2017

My Resolutions for 2017

A new year has started, I still can't believe how quickly 2016 has passed but I think that's a signal that it was a year full of activities and fun moments, because when you enjoy time passes faster. 
Anyway, we are already in 2017 and I thought it would be a good idea to share with you my New Year Resolutions. Because whenever we want to achieve something in life it is important to write it down so it becomes more real! So this is what I'm trying to do with this post and I invite you to share some of your resolutions with me as well, I would love to know.Let's start!!

1. Continue exploring and learning

This is my first resolution for this new year and I can say that it was also one of my resolutions last year. I think learning new things and taking yourself to new experiences is something that opens your mind a lot and gives you new perspectives about life in general.
I would love to continue travelling and discovering new places in 2017, but in order to expand your mind you can start by getting to know some new places in your own town that maybe you haven't even noticed in the past. It is not necessary to travel to the other side of the world to get a greater conscience, meeting new people, learning about something new that seems interesting to you does a wonderful job! Last year I was able to do an awesome trip to the Balkans that completely blew my mind but even before travelling I was already learning a lot about this place and that also contributed to my growth and how I was able to experience this trip at the fullest. So I'm really looking forward to the new things and experiences that I will be atracting in this new year.

2. Continue working on self love and self care

This was also another thing that started in 2016. I wanted to manifest more love into my life and I learnt that you have to start with what you've got first and that is yourself.
During 2016, I have started to practice a lot more love and care to myself. I have started by changing the way I was treating myself in my thoughts because sometimes we tend to be really hard on ourselves and that doesn't help at all. I have started to be more patient with myself, and with the things I wanted to achieve. I also started to take care more about my health and general well being and that totally makes a differece. So for this year, I'm really looking forward to continue with this work.

3. To do more things that are creative and that I enjoy

This resolution is about filling my time with things that I enjoy. This includes all the little things that makes me happy, like listening to music, singing and dancing, having time spend with my friends and family, enjoying a nice meal, a cup of coffee and also having time to express myself, like in the blog for example.
I was always a very ambitious person and I was always in the hunt for success in everything I did. And with that ambition came a lot of sacrificies and hard work, which sometimes left me so exhausted and frustraded when I didn't get the results I was expecting.
For this year I want to continue working hard and putting my energy on the things that I enjoy because that is what somehow gives you something back. When you do something you enjoy you feel happy, motivated and inspired. And you also don't feel attached to the results because you are already enjoying the process so there is no room for frustration. So for this new year I want more of doing what I love and enjoy ;)

I hope these resolutions have helped and inspired you in some way and I would really love to read yours ;) Have a happy start of the year!!!

10 comentarios:

  1. Your goals for 2017 sound completely brilliant, particularly travelling more - only good things can come from seeing more of the world! :)


    1. Thank you so much Gabrielle!!! I agree, travelling is one of the best experiences in life, it teaches us a lot! :)

  2. Beautiful photos!Happy new year!


  3. Lovely photos!! Wishing you all the best for 2017 x

    Nev | Miss Nev

    1. Thank you so much Nev!! All the best for 2017 for you too! :)

  4. These are all lovely resolutions! I can't wait to hear about your future applications :) xx

  5. Amazing post dear,love your resolutions! We share the same resolution,resolution number 3 :)


    1. Thank you so much!! Yes, doing more things we love is the key to happiness :)
